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operating_systems:raspbian:easydoor_configuration [2019/07/11 09:14] – [xorg setup] maferreiraoperating_systems:raspbian:easydoor_configuration [2019/07/22 09:26] (current) – removed maferreira
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== easyDoor configuration ====== 
-===== Intercom ===== 
-==== config.txt ==== 
-Add this to your /boot/config.txt file 
-  # Reference: 
-  # This option should be specified when using the camera module 
-  start_x=1 
-  # The rainbow splash screen will not be shown on boot 
-  disable_splash=1 
-  #gpu_mem=128 
-  #ignore_lcd=0 
-  # Rotates the display 90 degrees clockwise on the screen (default=0) or flips the display 
-  display_rotate=1 
-  # Comment the following line to enable Bluetooth 
-  dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt 
-  # Removes the warning overlay 
-  avoid_warnings=1 
-==== Remove boot log messages ==== 
-  # vi /boot/cmdline.txt 
-  logo.nologo splash vt.global_cursor_default=0 loglevel=3 
-==== xorg setup ==== 
-  # apt install --no-install-recommends xorg 
-  # apt install --no-install-recommends xinput unclutter iceweasel matchbox-window-manager 
-<note warning>Make sure .Xauthority has the folowing owners - root:root</note> 
-If you start **XORG** it **WON'T WORK** since the system is in **READ-ONLY** mode. To solve this problem, move **.Xauthority** to a **READ-WRITE DIRECTORY**. 
-  # mkdir /media/data/root 
-  # touch /media/data/root/.Xauthority 
-  # chmod 600 /media/data/root/.Xauthority 
-<note warning>Make sure that **ONLY ROOT** user can **READ** and **WRITE** into **.Xauthority**. If it doesn't have, you will get the following error: **Error in locking authority file**</note> 
-=== rc.local === 
-Add this to your /etc/rc.local file 
-  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE 
-  export HOME=/root 
-  # Sets .xauthority location file 
-  export XAUTHORITY=/media/data/root/.Xauthority 
-  /usr/bin/startx & 
-  sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2 
-=== .xinitrc === 
-Your /root/.xinit file should look like this 
-  #!/bin/sh 
-  # 
-  # ~/.xinitrc 
-  # 
-  # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here) 
-  /bin/echo -ne "\nStarting: " >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  /bin/date >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  export DISPLAY=:0 
-  if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then 
-    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do 
-      [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f" 
-    done 
-    unset f 
-  fi 
-  #/bin/echo -ne "\nDisabling screensaver: " >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  #/bin/date >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  #/usr/bin/xset s noblank 
-  #/usr/bin/xset s off 
-  #/usr/bin/xset -dpms 
-  /bin/echo -ne "\nTouchscreen correction: " >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  /bin/date >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  # Fix inverted mouse/pointer issues on touch screen 
-  /usr/bin/xinput --set-prop 'FT5406 memory based driver' 'Evdev Axes Swap' 1 & 
-  /usr/bin/xinput --set-prop 'FT5406 memory based driver' 'Evdev Axis Inversion' 0 1 & 
-  /bin/echo -ne "\nRemoving iceweasel files: " >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  /bin/date >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  /bin/sleep 5 
-  /bin/echo -ne "\nStarting iceweasel: " >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  /bin/date >> /tmp/startx.log 
-  #/bin/rm -r ~/.mozilla 
-  #/bin/cp -a ~/mozilla ~/.mozilla 
-  /bin/rm -r /media/data/root/.mozilla 
-  /bin/cp -a ~/mozilla /media/data/root/.mozilla 
-  # Display sleep after 65s 
-  /usr/bin/xset -display :0 s 65 
-  #Hide the mouse 
-  /usr/bin/unclutter -idle 0.1 -root & 
-  matchbox-window-manager & 
-  #If I start iceweasel from cmd line instead of here it will use the full screen available. 
-  /usr/bin/iceweasel easydoor/index.php & 
-  #/usr/bin/iceweasel localhost/index.php & 
-  #/usr/bin/iceweasel localhost/test.php -fullscreen & 
-  #/usr/bin/iceweasel localhost:50001 -fullscreen & 
-  /bin/sleep 365d 
-  exit 0 
-If you reboot your raspberry pi you may see that it displays the following errors: 
-<note warning>**'Evdev Axes Swap'** doesn't exist, you need to specify its type and format\\ 
-**'Evdev Axis Inversion'** doesn't exist, you need to specify its type and format</note> 
-This happens because raspbian Stretch uses libinput as it's mouse drivers instead of the evdev. To solve this, uninstall linunput and replace it by evdev drivers. 
-  # apt install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg-input-evdev 
-  # apt remove xserver-xorg-input-libinput 
-==== Firefox setup ==== 
-  # cp -pr ~/.mozilla /media/data/root/.mozilla 
-  # mv /root/.mozilla /root/mozilla 
-  # ln -s /media/data/root/.mozilla /root/.mozilla 
-Make sure you have the following intructions in your **.xinitrc**. 
-  # vi ~/.xinitrc 
-  /bin/rm -r /media/data/root/.mozilla 
-  /bin/cp -a ~/mozilla /media/data/root/.mozilla 
-  # mv /root/.cache /media/data/root/ 
-  # ln -s /media/data/root/.cache /root/.cache 
-==== Crontab ==== 
-=== acdsn === 
-  # m h  dom mon dow   command 
-  */6 * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/easydoor-scripts/minicentral/intercom/sync/ -t 30 -p fHQQgXvMrWPLgdTXU -mC >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  */5 * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 22 -r 3800 >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  */4 * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 1081 -r 3277 >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  */3 * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 1091 -r 3271 >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  #* * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 5666 -r 3272 >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  #* * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 20514 -r 10514 -f L >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  # mkdir /etc/acdsn 
-  # mkdir -p/media/data/etc/acdsn/conf.d/ 
-  # ln -s /media/data/etc/acdsn/conf.d/ /etc/acdsn/conf.d 
-  # chown -R acdsn:acdsn /etc/acdsn/conf.d 
-  $ mkdir -p /etc/acdsn/conf.d/spool 
-  # curl -C - -R -o /tmp/manifest.json -u <port>:<token> --silent<port>/manifest.json 
-  # curl -C - -R -o /tmp/style1.css -u <port>:BwtOsnJQUwafmmvSni --silent<port>/www/style1.css 
-<note important>I don't know why I had to execute this command in order to execute in the crontab</note> 
-  # apt install --no-install-recommends jq 
-=== root === 
-  # m h  dom mon dow   command 
-  #*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 22 -r  2090 
-  #*/3 * * * * /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 50001 -r  2097 
-  */10 * * * * root /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u >/dev/null 2>&1 && /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ wlan0 > /dev/null 2>&1 
-  @hourly root /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  #* * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/acdsn/spool.php >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  #00 06,18 * * * /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/easydoor-scripts/minicentral/intercom/ >/dev/null 2>&1 
-==== Lighttpd setup ==== 
-  # apt install --no-install-recommends lighttpd 
-Once you have installed the web server, start it and test if there is any error. 
-  # systemctl start lighttpd.service 
-Get the raspberry pi ip address and access the web server from a different machine (it could be macOS, windows, linux, etc...). 
-  ~ ifconfig eth0 
-  eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500 
-          inet  netmask  broadcast 
-          inet6 fe80::6083:8250:c66f:e0f7  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link> 
-          ether b8:27:eb:d8:dc:72  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet) 
-          RX packets 435  bytes 100953 (98.5 KiB) 
-          RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0 
-          TX packets 500  bytes 66954 (65.3 KiB) 
-          TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0 
-=== PHP installation === 
-First, you need to install PHP-FPM, which is a process manager for PHP. 
-  # apt install --no-install-recommends php7.0-fpm 
-Then, enable it the typing the following: 
-  # lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi 
-  # lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php 
-Now before we can go reloading Lighttpd, we will have to make changes to its configuration. By default, it is configured to work with PHP-CGI and not PHP-FPM, luckily it is easy to make these changes. 
-Change the content of fastcgi config file to this: 
-  # vi /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/15-fastcgi-php.conf 
-  # -*- depends: fastcgi -*- 
-  # /usr/share/doc/lighttpd/fastcgi.txt.gz 
-  # 
-  ## Start an FastCGI server for php (needs the php5-cgi package) 
-  fastcgi.server += ( ".php" => 
-          (( 
-                  "socket" => "/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock", 
-                  "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable" 
-          )) 
-  ) 
-Restart lighttpd to apply the modifications. 
-  # systemctl restart httpd.service 
-To test the PHP installation, create an index.php file in /var/www/html. 
-  # vi /var/www/html/index.php 
-  <?php 
-   phpinfo(); 
-  ?> 
-And again, test it from a local machine. 
-Now that PHP is setup, it's time to create a virtual host. In lighttpd, all you need to do is to create a file in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available, in our case it will be **easydoor.conf**. 
-  # vi /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/easydoor.conf 
-  $HTTP["host"] == "easydoor" { #FDQN 
-  server.document-root = "/home/acdsn/git/easydoor-scripts/minicentral/intercom/www/html" 
-  } 
-Since /var/log is mounted in tmpfs and apache stores its log in /var/log/apache2, apache won't start. Solve this by telling to systemd that it must create that directory at startup. 
-  # vi /etc/tmpfiles.d/apache2.conf 
-  d /var/log/apache2 0750 root root 
-Reference: [[]] 
-===== Strike ===== 
-==== Crontab ==== 
-=== acdsn === 
-  # m h  dom mon dow   command 
-  @reboot acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/easydoor-scripts/minicentral/strike/ >/dev/null 2>&1 
-  * * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 22 -r 3810 > /tmp/cron.log 2>&1 
-  * * * * * acdsn /bin/bash /home/acdsn/git/acdsn-scripts/ -u acdsn -t -l 1091 -r 3291 > /tmp/cron.log 2>&1 
-===== Fix backlight missing directory ===== 
-  # mkdir /var/lib/systemd/backlight 
-  # vi /etc/tmpfiles.d/backlightDir.conf 
-  d /var/lib/systemd/backlight 0755 root root