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operating_systems:raspbian:raspbian [2019/04/30 08:29] maferreiraoperating_systems:raspbian:raspbian [2019/05/03 15:06] maferreira
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 ====== Raspbian ====== ====== Raspbian ======
 +  * [[Clean installation]]
 +  * [[Minimal configuration]]
 +  * [[Tricks]]
 +  * [[easyGateway configuration]]
 ===== Clone only a directory ===== ===== Clone only a directory =====
     git clone <git path>     git clone <git path>
Line 7: Line 13:
     git checkout --     git checkout --
-===== Reduce time that is used to raise network interfaces ===== 
-As root, create the "**networking.service.d**" directory if it does not already exist and create/modify "**reduce-timeout.conf**" 
-  mkdir /etc/systemd/system/networking.service.d 
-  vi reduce-timeout.conf 
- Then add this to your "**reduce.timeout.conf**" file 
-  [Service] 
-  TimeoutStartSec=XX 
- <note>**XX** is the time in seconds that you want the system to wait</note> 
 ===== Disable swap ===== ===== Disable swap =====
 As root, turn off the process that automatically creates a swap file As root, turn off the process that automatically creates a swap file
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 After some time of lecture, I found out that there wasn't a config file with a lease-file option. After some time of lecture, I found out that there wasn't a config file with a lease-file option.
-===== Create a clean raspbian image ===== 
-    sudo dd if=/Users/<username>/Downloads/2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/rdisk<sd card number> bs=4m 
-<note important>Do the following 3 steps **BEFORE BOOTING** your raspberry pi</note> 
-Before modifying **cmdline.txt** and **config.txt**, **BACKUP THEM**! 
-    cp -p cmdline.txt cmdline.txt.original 
-    cp -p config.txt config.txt.original 
-Once you have finished, change the output console device and remove the script that autoexpands / partition size at first startup. 
-    vi cmdline.txt 
-    console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 -> console=ttyAMA0,115200 
-    delete init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/ 
-Don't forget to enable this option, otherwise you won't be able to communicate to your raspberry pi throught raspberry debug port (TTL-232R-RPi). 
-    vi config.txt 
-    add this : enable_uart=1 
-    /dev/root       1.6G  978M  538M  65% / 
-    devtmpfs        460M      460M   0% /dev 
-    tmpfs           464M      464M   0% /dev/shm 
-    tmpfs           464M   12M  452M   3% /run 
-    tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock 
-    tmpfs           464M      464M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup 
-    /dev/mmcblk0p1   43M   22M   21M  51% /boot 
-    tmpfs            93M       93M   0% /run/user/1000 
-Now, resize the / partition and create a new one. As root, type : 
-    fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 
-Your partition table should look like this : 
-    Device         Boot Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type 
-    /dev/mmcblk0p1       8192   96042   87851 42.9M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA) 
-    /dev/mmcblk0p2      98304 3522559 3424256  1.6G 83 Linux 
-Delete the / partition, and create a new one (primary) which starts at THE SAME POSITION as the one you have  just deleted, in my case 98304.\\ 
-In the **fstab**, replace **PARTUUID** by /dev/mmcblk0p<partition number>. Reboot your raspberry pi and then tell your system you have resized a partition by typing : 
-    resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p<partition number> 
-    sudo apt update 
-    sudo apt upgrade 
-    touch /boot/ssh 
-    sudo systemctl enable ssh 
-    sudo systemctl start ssh 
-Reference : 
-    vi fstab 
-    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults   0   0 
-    tmpfs /run tmpfs defaults   0   0 
-    reboot 
-Check if there are any errors 
-    vi /etc/systemd/system/generateRsyslogStructure.service 
-    [Unit] 
-    Description=Generate Rsyslog structure 
-    Before=syslog.service 
-    [Service] 
-    ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/ 
-    Type=oneshot 
-    [Install] 
-    vi /home/pi/ 
-    #!/bin/bash 
-    if [ -r /etc/rsyslog.conf ]; then 
-        WorkDirectory=$(grep "WorkDirectory" /etc/rsyslog.conf | cut -d\  -f2) 
-    else 
-        echo "Cannot read /etc/rsyslog.conf" >> /tmp/rsyslogService.txt 
-        exit 1 
-    fi 
-    if [ ! -d "$WorkDirectory" ]; then 
-        mkdir $WorkDirectory 
-    fi 
-    exit 0 
-    sudo chmod 664 generateRsyslogStructure.service 
-    chmod a+x 
-    sudo systemctl enable enerateRsyslogStructure.service 
-    vi /etc/fstab 
-    tmpfs                 /var/spool      tmpfs   defaults          0       0 
-    reboot 
-    vi /etc/fstab 
-    tmpfs                 /var/log        tmpfs   defaults          0       0 
-    reboot 
-Systemd-hostnamed doest not start 
-    vi /etc/fstab 
-    tmpfs                 /var/tmp        tmpfs   defaults          0       0 
-    reboot 
-    vi /etc/fstab 
-    PARTUUID=c1dc39e5-02  /               ext4    defaults,noatime,ro  0       1 
-    reboot 
-    vi /etc/fstab 
-    PARTUUID=c1dc39e5-01  /boot           vfat    defaults,ro          0       2 
-    sudo systemctl stop dphys-swapfile.service 
-    sudo systemctl disable dphys-swapfile.service 
-    reboot 
-Systemd manual: 
-Create a partition with the unused partition size.\\ 
---Rw mode--\\ 
-Create /media/data\\ 
-Mount /media/data (/etc/fstab)\\ 
---Ro mode--\\ 
-    vi /etc/profile.d/ 
-    #! /bin/bash 
-    history -c 
-    set +o history 
-    export HISTFILESIZE=0 
-    export HISTSIZE=0 
-    unset HISTFILE 
-    chmod a+x /etc/profile.d/ 
-    reboot 
-===== Rename username ===== 
-As root account is disabled by default on raspberrian, we need to activate it. But before doing that, mount / in read-write mode. 
-    sudo mount -o remount,rw / 
-    sudo su passwd root 
-And then enter the new password you want. 
-    usermod -l acdsn pi 
-    usermod -m -d /home/acdsn acdsn 
-Set a password to the user 
-    passwd acdsn 
-===== Rename group ===== 
-    groupmod --new-name acdsn pi 
-===== Rename hostname ===== 
-    vi /etc/hostname 
-Replace the existing hostname by the new one. 
-===== Generate ssh keys ===== 
-    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048