$sudo aptitude update $sudo aptitude install libdigest-hmac-perl $sudo aptitude install libdevice-serialport-perl (462 sudo aptitude install liblocales-perl) => is necessary? $sudo aptitude install libintl-perl $sudo aptitude install libnet-ssh2-perl (486 sudo aptitude install libtry-tiny-perl) => only necessary if try{}catch{} is used $sudo aptitude install libpar-packer-perl 493 sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales 511 locale -a 514 export LANG=fr_FR 531 export LANG=en_US
in Debian, the error:
variable is not of type Wx::Window at xxx.pm line zz
means there is probably a missing library. Try to find it, then aptitude search it with lib…
and then aptitude install it.
It may also be an error somewhere in the source code which has absolutely nothing to do with the error.
So try to isolate part after part to find the problematic section.
Debian: $:/media/psf/Home/Sites/GIT/easyaccess-app$ locale -a C en_US.utf8 français french fr_FR ⇒ for this, you have to select fr_FR ISO-8859-1 in dpkg-reconfigure locales fr_FR.iso88591 POSIX