This is the list of functions needed to control ACDSN through an AD.
The data are stored on an AD or a Database and are accessed via a Web Service, using RPC.
Procedure | Returns |
getKeys | Returns the list of the keys formatted as a TSV file, like keys.txt |
getUnits | Returns the list of the units formatted as a TSV file, like units.txt |
getUsers | Returns the list of the users formatted as a TSV file, like users.txt |
getRights | Returns the list of the rights (cron) formatted as a TSV file, like cron.txt |
Field Name | Description | Example |
timestamp | The timestamp of the secret key's generation | 1353324064 |
key | The value of the secret key | [Z}4V;qr$(/Kc_aiF7#K8tATNC |
Field Name | Description | Example |
id | The unique identifier of the Unit, as used in slaves.conf | 42 |
label | A label describing the Unit | Office |
Field Name | Description | Example |
id | The id of the user, as used by the AD | 45 |
timestamp | The timestamp of the last key read for the User | 1353324064 |
increment | A value which can be incremented when the key is lost | 3 |
Field Name | Description | Example |
type | The type of target this rule applies. It can be either 'U' for an User, or 'G' for a Group | U or G |
UID / GID | The id of the User or of the Group, as used in the AD | 45 |
unit_id | The id of the Unit on which this rule applies | 42 |
cron | The times when the Unit is accessible for this rule | As you wish (maybe like a cron: 0 8-17 * * *) |