The following line shows how to address and communicate with a NiX1 slave over a RS485 line.
2700000000000000Qw3 ^ ^^^ | ||| | ||- option | |-- argument | --- command ---- address
Label | Arguments | Options | Comments |
format | a | ||
delete file | g | <filename> | |
delete thermochron | k | <sid> | |
restart | s | ||
delete tmp files | y | delete file for Newfile fct |
Label | Arguments | Options | Comments |
new bad access timeout | b | <timeout> | |
new valid access timeout | c | <timeout> | |
new discontinuation | d | <discontinuation> | set the timeout value after which the slave consider itself to be abandoned by the server (in sec) |
new entry | e | <comptability> | count number of lines in ACCESS file, update log_position and set compatibility |
new file | g | <filename>\t<CRC> | |
new buzzer | j | <mode> | buzzer activated or not |
new thermochron | k | <sid>\t<id_profile>\t<suid> | |
new lock | l | <device>\t<mode> | lock a probe |
new mode | m | <mode> | NiX1 enable/disable |
query firmware version | n | <filename>\t<CRC>\t<retry times> | |
new profile | p | <id_profile>\t<limitL>\t<limitH>\t<delay>\t<rate>\t<manual_mode>\t<rollover> | change profile |
new general status | s | <value> | set value in NiX general status |
new timestamp | t | <timestamp> | only if RTC defined (used to synchronize clock)(date +%s) |
new overdrive speed | v | <2>\t<mode> | put 1-wire device 2 in overdrive speed |
new file packet | y | <nbrPacket>/t<blockLength>/t<CRC>/t<block> | |
new baudrate | z | <baudrate> |
Label | Arguments | Options | Comments |
query bad access timeout | b | ||
query valid access timeout | c | ||
query discontinuation status | d | no query from server timeout | |
query entry | e | Receive: <address>\t<id_profile>\t<suid>\t<timestamp>\t<TZ>\t<od_speed> | |
query file | g | <filename>\t<limit> | |
query extension | i | <extension> | give a list of files with the extension desired (TXT,1, …) |
query buzzer status | j | ||
query lock | l | <1|2> | |
query mode | m | NiX1 active or not | |
query firmware version | n | ||
query general status | s | how many missions recorded since last query | |
query timestamp | t | only if RTC is defined | |
query overdrive speed | v | <2> |
Options | Comments |
<block> | block content (each char is formatted in 2 ascii in hexa value) ⇒ 'a' = 0x61 ⇒ sent : “61” |
<blockLength> | length of the actual block in bytes |
<comptability> | 0 to 65534 How many access we would like receive |
<CRC> | 16 bits value |
<delay> | 0 to 65535 How many minutes the device waits before starting logging process |
<discontinuation> | 0 to 4294967295 (if 0 we don't care about discontinuation) |
<filename> | File on uSD: CONFIG.TXT, KEYS.TXT … |
<id_profile> | identification of profile on 8 char ['0-9'-'A-Z'-'a-z'] like 0B0a0001 |
<limit> | Max line to display [0=all lines] |
<limitH> | -40. to +85. Higher alarm limit (°C) |
<limitL> | -40. to +85. Lower alarm limit (°C) |
<nbrPacket> | packet total number for a file |
<manual_mode> | choose if a new mission start automatically (0) or manually (1) after discharging |
<mode> | 0 [disable] or 1 [enable] |
<rate> | 0 to 255 how many minutes the temperature conversions are apart from each other during a mission |
<rollover> | choose if the mission is in rollover mode (1) or not (0) |
<sid> | SID of the iButton (in iControl case family 21) |
<suid> | identification of iButton on 8 char ['0-9'-'A-Z'-'a-z'] like 0A0b0009 |
<timeout> | 0 to 255 |
<timestamp> | 0 to 9'999'999'999 [seconds since 1.1.1970] |
These files can be found on the Micro-SD of a NiX.
This file contains the minimal configuration with which the NiX cans run autonomously.
These files contain the link between the iButton's SID, the profile's identification and iButton's identification. The extension XX is the 2 last character of the SID.
Field Name | Description | Example |
sid | Sid of the iButton | 21EAF5320000000F |
id_profile | The identification of the profile mission | 0B0a0001 |
suid | The identification of the thermochron iButton | 0A0b0009 |
21EAF1320000000F 0000000H 00000001 21EAF2320000000F 00000010 9999999F 21EAF3320000000F 000000b0 00000002 21EAF4320000000F 000000P0 99999901 21EAFF320000000F k0000000 9999990b
These files contain the parameters to launch a mission. Delay and sample rate are in seconds.
This file contains important iButtons discharge logs. (# is the extension of day of year)
Field Name | Description | Example |
slave address | Address of the slave | 271A2100000000F3 |
id_profile | The identification of the profile mission [0-1] | 0B0a0001 |
suid | The identification of the thermochron iButton [0-1] | 0A0b0009 |
timestamp | The timestamp of the NiX1 | 1400620011 |
timezone | Code of the timezone | +0100 |
sid | SID of the iButton | 21EAF5320000000E |
probe | On which probe was the interruption | 1 or 2 |
overdrive speed | Communication speed | 0 or 1 |
error code | Error code in hex format | 49 |
271A2100000000F3 1436414597 +0100 21EAF5320000000E 2 0 4E 271A2100000000F3 1436414652 +0100 21EAF5320000000E 1 0 4E 271A2100000000F3 1436414791 +0100 21EAF5320000000E 2 0 4E
This file contains not important iButtons discharge logs. (# is the extension of day of year)
First line:
Field Name | Description | Example |
timestamp | The timestamp of the time when the NiX start | 1400578529 |
slave address | SID of NiX | 271A2100000000F3 |
general status | Last general status of NiX before the start (in hex format) | 00 |
Field Name | Description | Example |
slave address | Address of the slave | 271A2100000000F3 |
id_profile | The identification of the profile mission [0-1] | 0B0a0001 |
suid | The identification of the thermochron iButton [0-1] | 0A0b0009 |
timestamp | The timestamp of the NiX1 | 1400620011 |
timezone | Code of the timezone | +0100 |
sid | SID of the iButton | 21EAF5320000000E |
probe | On which probe was the interruption | 1 or 2 |
overdrive speed | Communication speed | 0 or 1 |
error code | Error code in hex format | 49 |
1436414571 Slave ID: 271A2100000000F3 General status: 00 271A2100000000F3 1436414575 +0100 2359023901033007 1 0 49 271A2100000000F3 1436414581 +0100 2359023901033007 2 0 49 271A2100000000F3 1436414586 +0100 2359023901033007 1 0 47 271A2100000000F3 1436414587 +0100 0000000000000000 2 0 42 271A2100000000F3 1436414601 +0100 0FD16231030000B0 1 0 47
These files contain all informations about the Thermochron and the temperatures read. The suid is the name of the file and the extension is the day of the year (ex: 01010101.237). 25 august is the 237 day of year.
Field Name | Description | Example |
sid | SID of the iButton | 21EAF5320000000E |
suid | The identification of the thermochron iButton | 0A0b0009 |
id_profile | The identification of the profile mission | 0B0a0001 |
NiX1_timestamp | The timestamp of NiX1 when a iButton made an interruption (GMT) | 2014-08-03T19:02:12 |
thermochron_timestamp | The timestamp of Thermochron iButton when the interruption (GMT) | 2014-08-09T09:00:19 |
delay | Delay in minutes after then the mission begins (0≤65535) | 63290 |
alarm_high_temp | Maximum temperature limit (°C) [-40.0≤+85.0] | 12.5 |
alarm_low_temp | Minimum temperature limit (°C) [-40.0≤+85.0] | -6.0 |
sample_rate | Frequency of samples in minutes [1≤255] | 65 |
mission_sample_counter | How many samples since the mission's begin | 4166 |
device_sample_counter | How many samples since the first use of the iButton | 135257 |
first_conversion_date | Date and time of the first mission's sample (GMT) | 2014-07-29T15:09 |
alarm_low_status | Status of low alarms (12x) | |
alarm_high_status | Status of high alarms (12x) | |
temperatures | Temperatures measured during mission (in Hexadecimal format) | 88 |
SID: 21EAF532000000E ID: A0A0A0A0 PROFILE: 00000001 NiX1 Timestamp (UTC): 1407157740 NiX1 Timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD): 2014-08-04T10:02:12 Thermochron Timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD): 2014-08-04T10:02:11 Delay (sec): 1500 Alarm High Temperature (°C): 28.5 Alarm Low Temperature (°C): 0.5 Sample Rate (sec): 180 Enable Mission: 1 Rollover: 0 Mission Samples Counter: 4166 Device Samples Counter: 135257 First Convertion Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD): 2014-07-29T15:09 Low Alarm 1: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 2: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 3: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 4: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 5: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 6: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 7: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 8: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 9: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 10: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 11: since sample 0 during 0 samples Low Alarm 12: since sample 0 during 0 samples High Alarm 1: since sample 11 during 1 samples High Alarm 2: since sample 13 during 2 samples High Alarm 3: since sample 26 during 4 samples High Alarm 4: since sample 38 during 1 samples High Alarm 5: since sample 678 during 11 samples High Alarm 6: since sample 4122 during 1 samples High Alarm 7: since sample 4158 during 2 samples High Alarm 8: since sample 0 during 0 samples High Alarm 9: since sample 0 during 0 samples High Alarm 10: since sample 0 during 0 samples High Alarm 11: since sample 0 during 0 samples High Alarm 12: since sample 0 during 0 samples 888787868586868786878988898987868888878787878686868A8D8B89888787 8786878786898887878686858585858484848484848484848484848483838383 8383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383 8383838383838383838282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282 8282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828281 8181818181818181818181818181818181818181818181818181818181818181 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