This is mainly based on the Andrew's Macro Information tutorial and from the OpenOffice Wiki web site.
These macro are tested on OpenOffice 2.4 for windows and on OpenOffice 3.2 Mac OSX version.
You can find the basic api home page listed here or specifically from here
Sub Main Dim oDocument As Object 'Récupère le document actif oDocument = ThisComponent If (IsSpreadhsheetDoc(oDocument)) Then MsgBox "This is a spreadsheet document" Else MsgBox "This is NOT a spreadsheet document" Exit Sub End if 'Call some functions ExampleGetValue(oDocument) ExampleSetValue(oDocument) ClearDefinedRange(oDocument) CalcIsAnythingSelected(oDocument) MsgBox PrintableAddressOfCell(oDocument) SelectedCells(oDocument) End Sub
Function IsSpreadhsheetDoc(oDoc As Object) As Boolean On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENTTYPE IsSpreadhsheetDoc =oDoc.SupportsService("") NODOCUMENTTYPE: If Err <> 0 Then IsSpreadhseetDoc = False Resume GOON GOON: End If End Function
Sub ExampleGetValue(oDoc As Object) Dim oSheet As Object, oCell As Object oSheet=oDoc.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1") oCell=oSheet.getCellByposition(0,0) 'A1 print oCell.getValue 'A Number 'print oCell.getString 'A String 'print oCell.getFormula 'A Formula End sub
Sub ExampleSetValue(oDoc As Object) Dim oSheet As Object, oCell As Object oSheet=oDoc.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1") oCell=oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,0) 'B1 oCell.setValue(23658) 'oCell..NumberFormat=2 '23658.00 'oCell.SetString("Oups") 'oCell.setFormula("=FUNCTION()") 'oCell.IsCellBackgroundTransparent = TRUE oCell.CellBackColor = RGB(255,141,56) End Sub
Sub ClearDefinedRange(oDoc As Object) Dim oSheet As Object, oSheets As Object Dim oCellRange As Object Dim nSheets As Long oSheets = oDoc.Sheets nSheets = oDoc.Sheets.Count 'la plage va de 0 à n-1 (Sheet1...) oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(0) oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("C6:C9") oCellRange.clearContents(_ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ ) End Sub
Function CalcIsAnythingSelected(oDoc As Object) As Boolean Dim oSelections As Object, oSel As Object, oText As Object, oCursor As Object 'Initialisation IsAnythingSelected = False 'Pas de document, alors je quitte If IsNull(oDoc) Then Exit Function oSelections = oDoc.getCurrentSelection() 'Pas de selection, alors je quitte If IsNull(oSelections) Then Exit Function If oSelections.supportsService("") Then Print "Une Cellule sélectionnée = " & oSelections.getImplementationName() MsgBox "getString() = " & oSelections.getString() ElseIf oSelections.supportsService("") Then Print "Une plage de cellules sélectionnée = " & oSelections.getImplementationName() ElseIf oSelections.supportsService("") Then Print "Plusieurs plages de cellules sélectionnées = " & oSelections.getImplementationName() Print "Count = " & oSelections.getCount() Else Print "Autre sélection = " & oSelections.getImplementationName() End If End Function
Function PrintableAddressOfCell(oDoc As Object) As String Dim oSheet As Object, oCell As Object oSheet=oDoc.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1") oCell=oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,0) 'B1 PrintableAddressOfCell = "Unknown" If Not IsNull(oCell) Then PrintableAddressOfCell = oCell.getSpreadSheet().getName + ":" + _ ColumnNumberToString(oCell.CellAddress.Column) + (oCell.CellAddress.Row+1) End If End Function
' Les colonnes sont comptées en partant de 0 où 0 correspond à A ' Elles vont de A à Z, puis AA à AZ,BA à BZ,...,jusqu'à IV ' Il s'agit donc essentiellement de la façon de convertir un nombre en base 10 en un nombre ' en base 26. ' Notez que la colonne est passée en valeur (ByVal) ! Function ColumnNumberToString(ByVal the_column As Long) As String Dim s$ 'Enregistrez le paramètre dans une variable pour NE PAS le changer. 'C'est un sale bug que j'ai mis du temps à trouver Do s$ = Chr(65 + the_column MOD 26) + s$ the_column = the_column / 26 Loop Until the_column = 0 ColumnNumberToString = s$ End Function
Sub SelectedCells(oDoc As Object) Dim oSelect As Object, oSelectColumn As Object, oSelectRow As Object Dim countColumn As Integer, countRow As Integer, noCell As Integer Dim oSelectSC As String, oSelectEC As String, oSelectSR As String, oSelectER As String oSelect=oDoc.CurrentSelection.getRangeAddress oSelectColumn=oDoc.CurrentSelection.Columns oSelectRow=oDoc.CurrentSelection.Rows countColumn=oSelectColumn.getCount countRow=oSelectRow.getCount oSelectSC=oSelectColumn.getByIndex(0).getName oSelectEC=oSelectColumn.getByIndex(CountColumn-1).getName oSelectSR=oSelect.StartRow+1 oSelectER=oSelect.EndRow+1 noCell=(CountColumn*CountRow) If countColumn=1 AND countRow=1 Then MsgBox("Cellule " + oSelectSC + oSelectSR + chr(13) + "Nb Cellules = " + noCell + " Cellules Sélectionnées") Else MsgBox("Plage(" + oSelectSC + oSelectSR + ":" + oSelectEC + oSelectER + ")" + chr(13) + "Nb Cellules = " + noCell + " Cellules Sélectionnées") End If End Sub
Sub createWriterDoc dim oDesktop as Object dim sURL as String dim mNoArgs() oDesktop = createUnoService("") sURL = "private:factory/swriter" oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_blank",0,mNoArgs()) End Sub
Sub createGraphInCalc Dim Doc As Object Dim Charts As Object Dim Chart as Object Dim Rect As New Dim RangeAddress(0) As New Rect.X = 8000 Rect.Y = 1000 Rect.Width = 10000 Rect.Height = 7000 RangeAddress(0).Sheet = 0 RangeAddress(0).StartColumn = 0 RangeAddress(0).StartRow = 0 RangeAddress(0).EndColumn = 2 RangeAddress(0).EndRow = 12 Doc = ThisComponent Charts = Doc.Sheets(0).Charts Charts.addNewByName("MyChart", Rect, RangeAddress(), True, True) Chart = Charts.getByName("MyChart").EmbeddedObject Chart.HasMainTitle = True Chart.Title.String = "Main Title String" Chart.HasSubTitle = True Chart.Subtitle.String = "Subtitle String" Chart.HasLegend = True Chart.Legend.Alignment = Chart.Legend.FillStyle = Chart.Legend.FillColor = RGB(210, 210, 210) Chart.Legend.CharHeight = 7 End Sub
'private, module-wide variable Private oDialog as Variant
Sub firstDialog() ShowDialog("myDialog") End Sub
Sub ShowDialog(sDialogName as String) Dim oLibContainer As Object, oLib As Object Dim oInputStreamProvider As Object Const sLibName = "Standard" MsgBox "Example Starting..." 'library container oLibContainer = DialogLibraries 'load the library oLibContainer.loadLibrary( sLibName ) 'get library oLib = oLibContainer.getByName( sLibName ) 'get input stream provider oInputStreamProvider = oLib.getByName( sDialogName ) 'create dialog control oDialog = CreateUnoDialog( oInputStreamProvider ) 'Do some initializations here if necessary. Here for example, a scrollbar configuration. oScrollBarModel = oDialog.Model.ScrollBar1 oScrollBarModel.ScrollValueMax = 100 oScrollBarModel.BlockIncrement = 20 oScrollBarModel.LineIncrement = 5 oScrollBarModel.VisibleSize = 20 'show the dialog Select Case oDialog.execute() Case 1 MsgBox "Ok pressed" Case 0 MsgBox "Cancel pressed" oDialog.endExecute() End Select 'Release the resources used by the program oDialog.dispose() End Sub
Sub fillBox Dim oCellListe as object Dim oComboBox as object Dim oZoneListe as object, oSheetListe as object Dim oCoordListe as object Dim aListe() 'un tableau vide Dim i , j , endJ, found as integer oSheetListe = thisComponent.sheets.getByName("Sheet2")'nom de la feuille contenant la liste (à adapter) oZoneListe = oSheetListe.getCellRangeByName("myList") 'nom de la liste à charger dans le Combo (à adapter) oCoordListe = oZoneListe.RangeAddress ' On récupère les coordonnées de la liste 'On redimenssionne le tableau avec les valeurs MIN et MAX en partant de zéro redim aListe(0 to oCoordListe.endRow-oCoordListe.startRow) endJ=0 'On fait une boucle qui parcourt chaque cellule de la liste et stocke dans aListe la valeur For i = oCoordListe.startRow To oCoordListe.endRow oCellListe = oSheetListe.getCellByPosition(oCoordListe.startColumn, i) found=0 For j = 0 To endJ If aListe(j) = oCellListe.formula Then found=1 Exit for End If Next j If found = 0 Then endJ = endJ+1 aListe(endJ) = oCellListe.formula End If Next i oComboBox = oDialog.getControl("ComboBox1") oComboBox.addItems(aListe(),0) End Sub
Sub AdjustmentHandler() Dim oLabelModel As Object Dim oScrollBarModel As Object Dim ScrollValue As Long, ScrollValueMax As Long Dim VisibleSize As Long Dim Factor As Double Static bInit As Boolean Static PositionX0 As Long Static Offset As Long 'get the model of the label control oLabelModel = oDialog.Model.Label1 'oLabelModel = oDialog.Model.FrameControl1 'on initialization remember the position of the label control and calculate offset If bInit = False Then bInit = True PositionX0 = oLabelModel.PositionX OffSet = PositionX0 + oLabelModel.Width - (oDialog.Model.Width - Border) End If 'get the model of the scroll bar control oScrollBarModel = oDialog.Model.ScrollBar1 'get the actual scroll value ScrollValue = oScrollBarModel.ScrollValue 'calculate and set new position of the label control ScrollValueMax = oScrollBarModel.ScrollValueMax VisibleSize = oScrollBarModel.VisibleSize Factor = Offset / (ScrollValueMax - VisibleSize) oLabelModel.PositionX = PositionX0 - Factor * ScrollValue End Sub
Sub addToDB Dim oTextBox As Object Dim oDocument As Object, oSheet As Object, oCell As Object 'Récupère le document actif oDocument = ThisComponent If (IsSpreadhsheetDoc(oDocument)) Then MsgBox "This is a spreadsheet document" Else MsgBox "This is NOT a spreadsheet document" Exit Sub End if oSheet=oDocument.Sheets.getByName("Sheet3") oCell=oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0) 'A1 oTextBox = oDialog.getControl("TextField1") oCell.string=oTextBox.getText oDialog.Model.Label1.label="Merci" oDialog.Model.Label1.TextColor=900 End Sub
Sub copyField Dim oComboBox as object, oTextoBox as object oComboBox = oDialog.getControl("ComboBox1") oTextBox = oDialog.getControl("TextField1") MsgBox(oComboBox.Text) oTextBox.Text=oComboBox.Text End Sub
Sub nextStep MsgBox("Go to step "+(oDialog.Model.step+1)) oDialog.Model.step=oDialog.Model.step+1 End Sub
Sub changeDialog MsgBox("Move to another dialog") oDialog.endExecute() ShowDialog("Dialog1") End Sub
Sub openWriterFiles() Dim fileName as String Dim oDoc as Object Dim FileProperties(0) As New 'Empty array 'redim FileProperties(0 to 2) 'Fill something in args FileProperties(0).name="Preview" FileProperties(0).value=true 'Open an existing document URL="" fileName = "/Users/sbolay/template.odt" If fileName <> "" Then URL=ConvertToURL(fileName) Else 'Create a new document URL="private:factory/swriter" End If If fileName <> "" Then If not FileExists(fileName) Then Msgbox("File " & fileName & " does not exist.", 64, "Error") exit sub End If End If ' open document in OpenOffice oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(URL, "_blank",0,FileProperties()) if not isnull(oDoc) then 'do something 'save and close 'oDoc.Store 'oDoc.Dispose end if End Sub
Does work only if one form already exists on the document!!
Private oDoc as Variant Private oForm as Variant Sub Main InsertCheckbox test End Sub Sub InsertCheckbox() Dim oDoc as Any DIm oForm as Any Dim oText as Object, oViewCursor as Object DIm aPoint as New DIm aSize as New Dim aControl as Object Dim oControl as Object Dim oDesktop as Object, oFrame as Object, oCursor as Object Dim iPrint as Integer Dim sTmp1 as String on local Error Goto ErrorHandler oDoc = ThisComponent 'oDoc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent If oDoc.DrawPage.Forms.Count > 0 then oForm = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms(0) End if oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.GetViewCursor oText = oDoc.Text aSize.Height = 400 aSize.Width = 2500 aPoint.x = 2000 aPoint.y = oViewCursor.Position.Y+1550 sTmp1 = GetNameOfCheckBox() aControl = oDoc.CreateInstance ("") aControl.Label = " " aControl.Printable = False oForm.InsertByIndex(oForm.Count,aControl) oControl = Insertcontrol(aControl,oDoc, aPoint, aSize, 2) oControl.Control.Name = sTmp1 oControl.Control.Label = " " ' oControl.PositionProtected = True oControl.AnchorType = aPoint = oControl.Position oDoc.TextFields.Refresh Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox Error & " in line " & erl End Sub Function InsertControl (aControlObject as object, aDoc as Object, aPoint as Object, aSize as Object,iAnchor as Integer) dim aDPage, aShape as object on local Error Goto ErrorHandler aShape = aDoc.CreateInstance ("") aShape.Size = aSize aShape.Position = aPoint aShape.AnchorType = iAnchor aShape.control = aControlObject aDPage = aDoc.drawpage aDPage.Add (aShape) InsertControl = aShape Exit Function ErrorHandler: MsgBox Error & " in line " & erl End Function Function GetNameOfCheckBox() as String Dim iPos as Integer, iCount as Integer, aPosY as Long on local Error Goto ErrorHandler oDoc = ThisComponent 'oForm = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms(0) oForm = oDoc.DrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0) For iPos = 0 To oForm.Count -1 oControl = oForm.GetByIndex(iPos) If oControl.ClassID = 5 And Left(oControl.Name,9) = "Check Box" Then iCount = iCount + 1 end If next GetNameOfCheckBox= "Check Box " & CStr(iCount+1) Exit Function ErrorHandler: MsgBox Error & " in line " & erl End Function sub test Dim Doc As Object Dim Form As Object Dim Ctl As Object Doc = ThisComponent Form = Doc.DrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0) Ctl = Form.getByName("Text Box 1") Ctl.Text="test 1" Ctl = Form.getByName("Check Box 1") Ctl.label=Ctl.label+" ...suite" Ctl.enabled=1 Ctl.state=1 end sub