Table of Contents
root@server:/srv/abackup# tree . |-- conf | |-- abackup.conf | |-- files | |-- not |-- err_msg.dat |-- log |-- scripts | |-- abackup_autologin_create.sh | |-- abackup_save.sh | |-- init_new_tape.sh | |-- libabackup.sh | |-- uploadFile.sh `-- snapshot
Bash scripts
# Configuration file # Contains all the values needed by Advanced Backup # Place where are different files and folder ############################################# # ABACKUP_ROOT folder BCK_ABACKUP_ROOT="/srv/abackup" BCK_ABACKUP_DEST="/tmp/abackup" # snapshot folder BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_ROOT/snapshot/" # Snapshot's filename BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME="snap_backup.dat" # log folder BCK_LOG_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_ROOT/log/" # tmp folder BCK_TMP_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_DEST/tmp" #dailyPostingFolder BCK_DAILY_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_DEST/dailyBackupFiles" BCK_WEEKLY_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_DEST/weeklyBackupFiles" # scripts folder BCK_SCRIPT_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_ROOT/scripts/" #conf folder BCK_CONF_DIR="$BCK_ABACKUP_ROOT/conf/" # Prefix of the tar file BCK_TAR_PREFIX="backup_" # Extension of the compressed tar file BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION="tgz" BCK_PARTIAL_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION="tar.gz" # File containing the name of directories/files to backup BCK_BACKUP_LIST="files" # File containing the name of directories/files to skip BCK_EXCLUDE_LIST="not" # Information about when to do the full backup ############################################# # # Use : monday, tuesday, wednesday ... BCK_FULL_BACKUP_DAY="monday" #BCK_FULL_BACKUP_DAY="sunday" # Information about today / DON'T CHANGE THAT ############################################# # Day number of the week (sun = 0, mon = 1, ...) BCK_DAY_NUM=`date +"%w"` # Today's date. Example : "2005-04-05_Tue" BCK_TODAY=`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%a"` # Today's week number of the year (1..53) # The new week starts on monday with %V and on sunday with %U BCK_WEEK_NUM=`date +"%V"` # Log file name ############################################# # Name of the log file BCK_LOG_FILE_NAME="$BCK_TODAY.log" # Full path of the log file BCK_LOG_FILE="$BCK_LOG_DIR/$BCK_LOG_FILE_NAME" # Admin info ############################################# # Email address BCK_ADMIN_EMAIL="it@mydomain.com" # Name BCK_ADMIN_NAME="it" # Devices info ############################################# # Device BCK_TAPE_DEVICE="" # Remote info ############################################# # Remote computer #BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER="" BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER="server2.com" # Remote user BCK_REMOTE_USER="root" # Remote password BCK_REMOTE_PASS="This is the best passphrase" # Destination discs BCK_DEST_DISC_1="/disc1/" BCK_DEST_DISC_2="/disc2/" BCK_DEST_DISC_3="/disc3/" BCK_DEST_DISC_4="/disc4/" # Default remote path BCK_REMOTE_PATH=$BCK_DEST_DISC_1 # Local info (if the rest fails) ############################################# BCK_LOCAL_PATH="$BCK_ABACKUP_DEST/failedBackup/"
/boot/ /etc/ /srv/ /var/lib/mysql/ /www/
*.mp3 *.mov *.wav *.mpg *.mpeg *.*~ *.wma *.log
E0000;Configuration file doesn't exist, can't work without it.;Le fichier de configuration n'existe pas ou la variable d'environnement ne peut pas être trouvée. E0001;Library is missing. Can't work without it.;La bibliothéque ne peut pas être trouvée, ceci peut-être dû à une erreur de configuration. I0000;Starting Advanced Backup.;Indique que le logiciel Advanced Backup démarre. I0100;Sunday. Creating a new snapshot.;Indique que la sauvegarde correspond au dimanche. I0101;Deleting snapshot.;Indique que l'ancien fichier d'état va être détruit. M/E0100;There's no file to backup. Please check the file <list_backup_file>.;Le fichier contenant la liste des fichier et/ou répertoire à sauvegarder n'existe pas, il faudrait le contrôler. I0102;No file to exclude from the backup.;Indique qu'il n'y a pas de liste de fichier à exclure. I0103;Creating archive.;Indique que l'archive est créée. M/E0101;Tar has failed. You should be root to use Advanced Backup.;Le programme TAR a échoué, la raison est indéterminée. Le programme TAR doit être lancé en tant que 'root'. M/E0102;Distant copy has failed. Copying to <local_path>.;La copie sur la machine distante a échoué. Une copie locale sera faite. I0104;Snapshot seems to exist, deleting the copy.;Indique que la copie de l'ancien fichier d'état du système de fichier existe et qu'elle va être détruite. M/W0100;Snapshot has not been created. Restoring the last one.;La création du nouveau fichier d'état du système de fichier a échoué, l'ancien va être restoré M/W0101;Snapshot has not been created, but no old snapshot.;La création du nouveau fichier d'état du système de fichier a échoué, mais il n'y a pas de fichier précédent utilisable. I0200;Day of the week. Doing a partial backup.;Indique que la sauvegarde est incrémentielle. I0201;Copying snapshot file.;Indique que le fichier d'état du système de fichier est copiée. W0200;No snapshot ! Create a new one.;Indique qu'il n'y a pas de fichier d'état du système de fichier. Un nouveau est créé. M/E0200;There's no file to backup. Please check the file <list_backup_file>.;Le fichier contenant la liste des fichier et/ou répertoire à sauvegarder n'existe pas, il faudrait le contrôler. I0202;No file to exclude from the backup.;Indique qu'il n'y a pas de liste de fichier à exclure. I0203;Creating archive.;Indique que l'archive est créée. M/E0201;Tar has failed. You should be root to use Advanced Backup.;Le programme TAR a échoué, la raison est indéterminée. Le programme TAR doit être lancé en tant que 'root'. M/E0202;Something went wrong with the tape. Are you sure there's one in the device ? Copying on distant computer.;Le lecteur de bande est inaccessible, il est possible qu'aucune bande ne soit dedans. La sauvegarde va être transférée sur la machine distante. M/E0203;Distant copy has failed. Copying to <local_path>.;La copie sur la machine distante a échoué. Une copie locale sera faite. M/W0201;I guess that the tape is full. Please would you change the tape ?;La bande est pleine. Il faut la changer. M/E0204;Undefined error ... Don't know what to do.;Une erreur indeterminée s'est produite. Cas pratiquement impossible. W0300;Tape couldn't be rewinded or unloaded.;La bande n'a pas pu être rembobinnée ou éjectée. M/E0300;Distant copy has failed. Copying to <local_path>.;La copie sur la machine distante a échoué. Une copie locale sera faite.
#!/bin/sh # You should run this with bash # Uploads your id_rsa.pub to the specified host, wrapped for readability if [ ! -r ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 fi # Copy the files to the remote servers scp -qC ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $2@$1:/tmp/${USER}@${HOSTNAME}.id_rsa.pub # Tell the remote host to copy the file over ~ of the current user ssh $2@$1 "cat /tmp/${USER}@${HOSTNAME}.id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys \ && rm -f /tmp/${USER}@${HOSTNAME}.id_rsa.pub" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Success" fi
#!/bin/bash # # Author : Etienne Bagnoud # Date : 2005-04-08 # # Modified by : Sylvain Bolay # Last Modification: 21.10.08 # # Description : # - Script that do the backup. It's made of functions, 'cause it's easier # to call a function than a script if the main backup is missing. # if [[ -e $BCK_CONF_FILE ]]; then source $BCK_CONF_FILE else echo "*** ERROR : Configuration file doesn't exist, can't work without it. (E0000)" exit 1 fi if [[ -e $BCK_SCRIPT_DIR/libabackup.sh ]]; then source $BCK_SCRIPT_DIR/libabackup.sh else echo "*** ERROR : Library is missing. Can't work without it. (E0001)" exit 1 fi now_time=`date` writeInfo "Start at : $now_time" # Configure l'auto login sur une machine distante. sshAutolog "$BCK_REMOTE_PASS" # Function that choose the destination disc in function of the week number function whichDisc() { case $BCK_WEEK_NUM in 1|5|9|13|17|21|25|29|33|37|41|45|49|53) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_1"; return;; 2|6|10|14|18|22|26|30|34|38|42|46|50) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_2"; return;; 3|7|11|15|19|23|27|31|35|39|43|47|51) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_3"; return;; # 4|8|12|16|20|24|28|32|36|40|44|48|52|0) return 4;; *) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_4"; return;; esac } # Function that creat the main backup. function createMainBackup() { #create the file that contains all debian packages installed dpkg --get-selections > /srv/proxy_debian_list.txt dpkgReturn=$? if [[ $dpkgReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="A problem occurs while attempting to create a dpkg --get-selections file" writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" fi bck_tmp_log=$BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TODAY.log writeInfo "Create Main Backup on $BCK_FULL_BACKUP_DAY ($BCK_TODAY). Creating a new snapshot. (I0100)" # If there's a snapshot of the file system, create a backup of the file then delete the file if [[ -e $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME ]]; then writeInfo "Deleting snapshot. (I0101)" cp $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME.bck rm $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME fi # Check if there's files to backup if [[ ! -e $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST ]]; then message="There's no file to backup. Please check the file $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST. (M/E0100)" writeMail "$message" writeError "$message" fi # Add option to run tar here. bck_extra_options="--ignore-failed-read --gzip" # Check if there's files to exclude from the backup if [[ ! -e $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_EXCLUDE_LIST ]]; then writeInfo "No file to exclude from the backup. (I0102)" else bck_extra_options="$bck_extra_options -X $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_EXCLUDE_LIST" fi #Block the directory for uploading files while tar is working #echo "Directory locked on $BCK_TODAY" > $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/.lock # Create archive writeInfo "Creating archive. (I0103)" #tar -T $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST $bck_extra_options --listed-incremental=$BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME -cvf $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION &> $bck_tmp_log tar -T $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST $bck_extra_options --listed-incremental=$BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME -cvf $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION &> $bck_tmp_log tarReturn=$? cat $bck_tmp_log >> $BCK_LOG_FILE catReturn=$? # Warn if cating files failed if [[ $catReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Cating file failed..." writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" fi # Stop if tar faild. Send a mail. if [[ $tarReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Tar has failed. Check Disc space. (M/E0101)" #message="Tar has failed. You should be root to use Advanced Backup. (M/E0101)" message="$message + Snapshot has not been correctly created. Deleting what was already done. (M/E0101a)" rm $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME writeMail "$message" writeError "$message" fi #chmod 777 $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION #Unlock the working directory #rm $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/.lock discDest=`whichDisc` if [[ ! $discDest ]]; then discDest=$BCK_DEST_DISC_4 writeWarning "Error while selecting proper destination disc!" writeInfo "Will copy on disc $discDest!" fi writeInfo "Backup will be performed on disc $discDest!" # Distant copy of the file. #sshCopy $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_REMOTE_PATH/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.tar $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER sshCopy $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $discDest/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER sshReturn=$? if [[ $sshReturn -ne 0 ]]; then #cp $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_LOCAL_PATH/ #writeMail "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0102)" #writeError "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0102)" message="Distant copy has failed. Please try manually. (M/E0102)" writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" else #message="Distant copy seems to be a success. Please check and if everything is ok please remove the local file\ #manually. This is for testing purpose! And when no bugs can be automatically done!" message="Distant copy was a success. The locale file will be removed!" #writeMail "$message" writeInfo "$message" rm $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION rmReturn=$? if [[ $rmReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Removing local file failed. Please try manually!" writeMail "$message" writeInfo "$message" else message="Removing local file was a success!" writeInfo "$message" fi fi # If the new snapshot was created, delete the old one if [[ -e $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME ]]; then # Test if there's a old snapshot to delete if [[ -e $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME.bck ]]; then writeInfo "Snapshot seems to exist, deleting the copy. (I0104)" rm $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME.bck fi # If the new shapshot wasn't created, restore the old one else # Test if there's an old one. If not, send mail to administrator. if [[ -e $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME.bck ]]; then message="Snapshot has not been created. Restoring the last one. (M/W0100)" writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" cp $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME.bck $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME else message="Snapshot has not been created, but no old snapshot. (M/W0101)" writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" fi fi return 0 } # Function that rewind the band and eject. Keeps the tar files. # Do all the operation when the tape is full. function doFullTapeOperation { #bck_tar_file=$1 #bck_file_path=$2 compressedFileName="$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION" ejectTape $BCK_TAPE_DEVICE if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then writeWarning "Tape couldn't be rewinded or unloaded. (W0300)" fi # Compress and make a distant copy of the file. gzip $BCK_DAILY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.tar $BCK_DAILY_DIR/$compressedFileName chmod 777 $BCK_DAILY_DIR/$compressedFileName #sshCopy $bck_file_path/$bck_tar_file $BCK_REMOTE_PATH/$bck_tar_file $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER ==== # if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # cp $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.tar $BCK_LOCAL_PATH/ # writeMail "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0300)" # writeError "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0300)" # else # rm $bck_file_path/$bck_tar_file # fi return 0 } # Function that creates the incremental backup function createIncrementalBackup() { writeInfo "Day of the week. Doing a partial backup. (I0200)" bck_tmp_log=$BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TODAY.log # Check if there's a snapshot, if not create one. if [[ -e $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME ]]; then writeInfo "Copying snapshot file. (I0201)" cp $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME bck_ss_file=$BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME else writeWarning "No snapshot ! Create a new one (Main Backup will be done). (W0200)" createMainBackup createMainBackupReturn=$? if [[ $createMainBackupReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="No snapshot was present and doing the MainBackup failed. (M/E02XX)" writeMail "$message" writeError "$message" else return 0 fi fi # Check if there's files to backup if [[ ! -e $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST ]]; then message="There's no file to backup. Please check the file $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST. (M/E0200)" writeMail "$message" writeError "$message" fi # Add option to run tar here. bck_extra_options="--ignore-failed-read --gzip" # Check if there's files to exclude from the backup if [[ ! -e $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_EXCLUDE_LIST ]]; then writeInfo "No file to exclude from the backup. (I0202)" else bck_extra_options="$bck_extra_options -X $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_EXCLUDE_LIST" fi #Block the directory for uploading files while tar is working #echo "Directory locked on $BCK_TODAY" > $BCK_DAILY_DIR/.lock # Create archive writeInfo "Creating archive. (I0203)" #tar -T $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST $bck_extra_options --listed-incremental=$bck_ss_file -cvf $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.tar &> $bck_tmp_log tar -T $BCK_CONF_DIR/$BCK_BACKUP_LIST $bck_extra_options --listed-incremental=$bck_ss_file -cvf $BCK_DAILY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_PARTIAL_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION &> $bck_tmp_log tarReturn=$? cat $bck_tmp_log >> $BCK_LOG_FILE catReturn=$? # Warn if cating files failed if [[ $catReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Cating file failed..." writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" fi # Stop if tar fails. Send a mail. if [[ $tarReturn -ne 0 ]]; then #Unlock the working directory #rm $BCK_DAILY_DIR/.lock message="Tar has failed. Check Disc space. (M/E0201)" #message="Tar has failed. You should be root to use Advanced Backup. (M/E0201)" writeMail "$message" writeError "$message" fi discDest=`whichDisc` if [[ ! $discDest ]]; then discDest=$BCK_DEST_DISC_4 writeWarning "Error while selecting proper destination disc!" writeInfo "Will copy on disc $discDest!" fi writeInfo "Backup will be performed on disc $discDest!" # Distant copy of the file. #sshCopy $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_REMOTE_PATH/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.tar $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER sshCopy $BCK_DAILY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_PARTIAL_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $discDest/ $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER sshReturn=$? if [[ $sshReturn -ne 0 ]]; then #cp $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_LOCAL_PATH/ #writeMail "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0102)" #writeError "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0102)" message="Distant copy has failed. Please try manually. (M/E0102)" writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" else #message="Distant copy seems to be a success. Please check and if everything is ok please remove the local file\ #manually. This is for testing purpose! And when no bugs can be automatically done!" message="Distant copy was a success. The locale file will be removed!" #writeMail "$message" writeInfo "$message" rm $BCK_DAILY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_PARTIAL_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION rmReturn=$? if [[ $rmReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Removing local file failed. Please try manually!" writeMail "$message" writeInfo "$message" else message="Removing local file was a success!" writeInfo "$message" fi fi return 0 } ######################## Start script ######################## # Clean the screen and show that the program has started #clear writeInfo "Starting Advanced Backup. (I0000)" checkLocalFolders # Modified 2005-05-13 ... bck_full_backup_day=`date -d "$BCK_FULL_BACKUP_DAY" "+%w"` if [[ $BCK_DAY_NUM -eq $bck_full_backup_day ]]; then createMainBackup else createIncrementalBackup fi rm $BCK_TMP_DIR/* now_time=`date` writeInfo "Stop at : $now_time" exit 0 ######################### End script #########################
#!/bin/bash # # Author : Sylvain Bolay # Date : 2005-06-28 # # Description: # - This script is in charge of initializing the new cartridge inserted into the tape drive. drive="/dev/st0" answer='n' status=1 printf "The new cartridge will be erased and rewinded! Do you want to continue (y/other): " read answer if [[ $answer = 'y' ]] || [[ $answer = 'Y' ]]; then echo status=`mt --file=$drive erase` if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "Errasing -> OK\n" else echo "Error while errasing the tape! Please check!" exit; fi status=`mt --file=$drive rewind` if [[ $status -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "Rewinding -> OK\n" else echo "Error while rewinning the tape! Please check!" exit; fi echo "Tape Status:" mt --file=$drive status echo -e "\n\ndone!" else echo "skipped!" exit; fi
#!/bin/bash # # Author : Etienne Bagnoud # Date : 2005-04-05 # # Modified by : Sylvain Bolay # Last Modification: 21.10.08 # # Description : # - Contain some functions to create a backup script, like i/o function # and tape manipulation function. # if [[ -e $BCK_CONF_FILE ]]; then source $BCK_CONF_FILE else echo "*** ERROR : Configuration file doesn't exist, can't work without it." exit 1 fi # This function return the actual time. Format : "hh:mm:ss" function getTime() { echo `date +"%H:%M:%S"` return 0 } # 4 output functions # Write an info message (stdin), like "the weather is nice today!" function writeInfo { bck_now=`getTime` echo "*** INFO : $1" echo -e "*** INFO\t$bck_now :\t$1" >> $BCK_LOG_FILE return 0 } # Write a warning message (stdin) but dosen't stop function writeWarning { bck_now=`getTime` echo "*** WARN : $1" echo -e "*** WARN\t$bck_now :\t$1" >> $BCK_LOG_FILE return 0 } # Write an error message (sdterr) and stop the program function writeError { bck_now=`getTime` echo "*** ERROR : $1" >&2 echo -e "*** ERROR\t$bck_now :\t$1" >> $BCK_LOG_FILE rm $BCK_TMP_DIR/* exit 1 } # Write a mail to the man specified in the config file (BCK_CONF_FILE). function writeMail { echo -e "Dear $BCK_ADMIN_NAME,\n\nAdvanced Backup has something to say to you :\n$1\n\nSee you soon.\nA.B." | mail -s "Advanced Backup (PROXY)" $BCK_ADMIN_EMAIL return 0 } # Test tape device function checkTape { bck_tape=$1 mt -f $bck_tape status return $? } # Get the end of the data on the tape function getTapeSpace { bck_tape=$1 checkTape $bck_tape if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi mt -f $bck_tape eom return $? } # Write tar file to tape function writeTape { bck_tar_file_path=$1 bck_tape=$2 if [[ ! -e $bck_tar_file_path ]]; then return 1 fi # Check if there's tape checkTape $bck_tape if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi # Go at the end the tape getTapeSpace $bck_tape if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi # Writes data on the tape cat $bck_tar_file_path > $bck_tape if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 2 fi return 0 } # Function unload tape (rewind before) function ejectTape { bck_tape=$1 mt -f $bck_tape rewind mt -f $bck_tape offline if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # Function to log on the station, expect won't return other value than 0, so ... function sshAutolog { bck_pass=$1 # This code is not a part of abackup SSHAGENT=/usr/bin/ssh-agent SSHAGENTARGS="-s" if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" -a -x "$SSHAGENT" ]; then eval `$SSHAGENT $SSHAGENTARGS` > /dev/null trap "kill $SSH_AGENT_PID" 0 fi # End expect -c "spawn ssh-add; expect \"id_rsa:\"; send \"$bck_pass\n\"; expect eof" return 0 } # Function to copy a file trough ssh ... function sshCopy { bck_file=$1 bck_remote_file=$2 bck_remote_server=$3 bck_remote_user=$4 #gzip $bck_file scp $bck_file $bck_remote_user@$bck_remote_server:$bck_remote_file if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } function checkLocalFolders { msg="Checking Local Folders...\n" error=false #echo $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR $BCK_LOG_DIR $BCK_ABACKUP_DEST $BCK_TMP_DIR $BCK_DAILY_DIR $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR $BCK_LOCAL_PATH for directory in $BCK_SNAPSHOT_DIR $BCK_LOG_DIR $BCK_ABACKUP_DEST $BCK_TMP_DIR $BCK_DAILY_DIR $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR $BCK_LOCAL_PATH do # bash check if directory exists if [[ -d $directory ]]; then msg=$msg+"Directory $directory exists\n" else msg=$msg+"Directory $directory does not exists. Creating..." mkdir $directory if [ -d $directory ]; then msg=$msg+" OK\n" else msg=$msg+" FAILED\n" error=true fi fi done if $error; then writeMail $msg writeError $msg return 1 else return 0 fi #PARANOIA return 1 }
#!/bin/bash # # Author : Etienne Bagnoud # Date : 2005-04-08 # # Modified by : Sylvain Bolay # Last Modification: 09.12.05 # # Description : # - Script that do the backup. It's made of functions, 'cause it's easier # to call a function than a script if the main backup is missing. # if [[ -e $BCK_CONF_FILE ]]; then source $BCK_CONF_FILE else echo "*** ERROR : Configuration file doesn't exist, can't work without it. (E0000)" exit 1 fi if [[ -e $BCK_SCRIPT_DIR/libabackup.sh ]]; then source $BCK_SCRIPT_DIR/libabackup.sh else echo "*** ERROR : Library is missing. Can't work without it. (E0001)" exit 1 fi now_time=`date` writeInfo "Start at : $now_time" # Configure l'auto login sur une machine distante. sshAutolog "$BCK_REMOTE_PASS" # Function that choose the destination disc in function of the week number function whichDisc() { case $BCK_WEEK_NUM in 1|5|9|13|17|21|25|29|33|37|41|45|49|53) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_1"; return;; 2|6|10|14|18|22|26|30|34|38|42|46|50) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_2"; return;; 3|7|11|15|19|23|27|31|35|39|43|47|51) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_3"; return;; # 4|8|12|16|20|24|28|32|36|40|44|48|52|0) return 4;; *) echo "$BCK_DEST_DISC_4"; return;; esac } ######################## Start script ######################## # Clean the screen and show that the program has started clear writeInfo "Starting Advanced Backup. (I0000)" # Modified 2005-05-13 ... bck_full_backup_day=`date -d "$BCK_FULL_BACKUP_DAY" "+%w"` discDest=`whichDisc` if [[ ! $discDest ]]; then discDest=$BCK_DEST_DISC_4 writeWarning "Error while selecting proper destination disc!" writeInfo "Will copy on disc $discDest!" fi writeInfo "Backup will be performed on disc $discDest!" # Distant copy of the file. #sshCopy $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_REMOTE_PATH/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.tar $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER sshCopy $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $discDest/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_REMOTE_COMPUTER $BCK_REMOTE_USER sshReturn=$? if [[ $sshReturn -ne 0 ]]; then #cp $BCK_TMP_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION $BCK_LOCAL_PATH/ #writeMail "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0102)" #writeError "Distant copy has failed. Copying to $BCK_LOCAL_PATH. (M/E0102)" message="Distant copy has failed. Please try manually. (M/E0102)" writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" else #message="Distant copy seems to be a success. Please check and if everything is ok please remove the local file\ #manually. This is for testing purpose! And when no bugs can be automatically done!" message="Distant copy was a success. The locale file will be removed!" #writeMail "$message" writeInfo "$message" rm $BCK_WEEKLY_DIR/$BCK_TAR_PREFIX$BCK_TODAY.$BCK_COMPRESSED_EXTENSION rmReturn=$? if [[ $rmReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Removing local file failed. Please try manually!" writeMail "$message" writeInfo "$message" else message="Removing local file was a success!" writeInfo "$message" fi fi cat $bck_tmp_log >> $BCK_LOG_FILE catReturn=$? # Warn if cating files failed if [[ $catReturn -ne 0 ]]; then message="Cating file failed..." writeMail "$message" writeWarning "$message" fi now_time=`date` writeInfo "Stop at : $now_time" exit 0 ######################### End script #########################
operating_systems/linux/debian/abackup.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/14 17:37 by sbolay