Table of Contents
Preparing/Debugging linux distro to boot through pxe/tftp
The problem
So why another how-to on this subject since a huge number of publication is available on the internet? Because by following step-by-step each of them I always got the same behaviour:
- The DHCP/PXE/TFTP servers works fine
- Booting either with or without an initrd doesn't work and the constant in it was:
- Begin: Mounting root file system
- Begin: Running /script/nfs-top
- Begin: Retrying nfs mount
- Begin: Running /script/nfs-premount
- RPC failed 2
- No filesystem could mount root, tried …
- and finally: Kernel Panic
- mount wrong argument.
So I tried to:
- build new kernels with all nfs support →
- test both the etch and lenny distro (and also knoppix) →
- follow work around on the initrd →
<html> <div style=“width: 75%; border-width: 1px; border: solid; text-align: center; padding: 10px; margin: 10px”> Finally, I found that both the mount and nfsmount present in the initrd doesn't work!<br> So, I <a href=“”>replaced one line in the nfs script present in the initrd and added in /sbin the mount.nfs command</a>. </div> </html>
The answer
In this document I would like to share what I didn't found in once:
- Prepare a new distribution which will be the root system for the nfs clients
- Building a kernel (basis)
- Building an initrd (basis)
- Share my configuration
- Give the opportunity to boot through PXE on an NFS filesystem.
<html> <div style=“color: red; font-size: large;”> Personally and in accordance with the DEBIAN guidelines, I finally chose to boot with an initrd. </div> </html>
Network structure
- server: NFS/TFTP (ETCH - Linux server 2.6.18-6-686)
- server2: DHCP/DNS (ETCH - Linux server2 2.6.18-4-686)
- plenty of HP desktop machines
Directory structure
This was arbitrarily chosen like this!(Do not ask why!)
Distribution structure
The directory structure is (so you have to do a mkdir):
- etch: /srv/work/tftp/distro/etch
- lenny: /srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny
and for the installation do
root@server:/#aptitude install debootstrap #for etch root@server:/#debootstrap --include=nfsbooted,dhcp3-client,procps,passwd,vim,less,configure-debian etch /srv/work/tftp/distro/etch #for lenny root@server:/#debootstrap --include=nfsbooted,dhcp3-client,procps,passwd,vim,less,configure-debian lenny /srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny
The directory structure is (so you have to do a mkdir):
- kernel 2.6.20 (for etch): /srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.20
- kernel 2.6.26 (for lenny): /srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.26
and for the installation do
root@server:/#aptitude install git-core build-essential #for etch root@server:/#git clone git:// /srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.20 root@server:/#cd /srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.20 root@server:/srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.20#make allmodconfig #for lenny root@server:/#git clone git:// /srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.26 root@server:/#cd /srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.26 root@server:/srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.26#make allmodconfig
Building a new kernel
Kernel Modules
First you have to determine which module is necessary for your hardware.
Then you can either choose to select the right driver either with =m if you plan to use it with an initrd
or with =y if you do not want to use an initrd.
In my case, I have several HP desktop machines:
Network Card
- HP DC7700p SFF: CONFIG_E1000
(see Document/fb/framebuffer.txt)
- HP DC7100 SFF (915G Chipset): FB_INTEL (see in Document/fb/intelfb.txt)
- HP DC7700p SFF (965Q Chipset): FB_INTEL (see in Document/fb/intelfb.txt)
Configuring the kernel
If you want to use the configuration menu, you have to install the ncurses libraries.
root@server:/#aptitude install libncurses5-dev
otherwise you can edit by hand the .config file which is in the linux-kernel-2.6.2x directory.
If you choose to use the configuration menu, do:
#for etch root@server:/srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.20#make menuconfig #for lenny root@server:/srv/work/tftp/distro/linux-kernel-2.6.26#make menuconfig
and then all the procedure of building the kernel, installing the modules in the respective debootstraped directory and finally installing the new kernel also in the respective debootstraped directory. Below are some scripts which does this annoying repetitive sequence alone:
#!/bin/bash rootPath=/srv/work/tftp/distro/etch output=$rootPath/kernel make O=$output menuconfig make 0=$output -j2 bzImage modules make O=$output INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$rootPath modules_install make O=$output INSTALL_PATH=$rootPath/boot install exit
#!/bin/bash rootPath=/srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny output=$rootPath/kernel make O=$output menuconfig make 0=$output -j2 bzImage modules make O=$output INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$rootPath modules_install make O=$output INSTALL_PATH=$rootPath/boot install exit
I used diff to see the differences between the kernel .20 and .26
root@server:/srv/work/tftp/distro# diff -bwBy --suppress-common-lines linux-kernel-2.6.20/.config linux-kernel-2.6.26/.config > diff.txt root@server:/srv/work/tftp/distro# vi diff.txt
Building a new initrd
Install necessary tools to compile a new initrd
This is an example with lenny
root@server:/#chroot /srv/work/tft/distro/lenny root@server:/#apt-get install initramfs-tools
useful info are found in:
- man update-initramfs
- man initramfs.conf
- man initramfs-tools
Create a new initrd
root@server:/#update-initramfs -c -k
Update an existing initrd
root@server:/#update-initramfs -u -k
View the initrd content
First, create a temporary directory and goes into (here I suppose that you are already chrooted in):
root@server:/#mkdir /tmp/initramfs root@server:/#cd /tmp/initramfs
Then determine which type of file is your actual initrd (if there is one) and extract its content:
root@server:/tmp/initramfs#file -z /boot/initrd initrd: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC) root@server:/tmp/initramfs#zcat /boot/initrd | cpio -i #or (given by man initramfs-tools(8)) root@server:/tmp/initramfs#gunzip -c /boot/initrd | cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames
root@server:/tmp/initramfs#file -z /boot/initrd initrd: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian size 1372160 version #2 root@server:/tmp/initramfs#gunzip initrd #or root@server:/tmp/initramfs#gunzip -c initrd > initrd
PXE/TFTP boot with NFS support
DHCP/TFTP/NFS server installation
First install your DHCP/TFTP/NFS server as widely explained in other how-to.
For information, This is my configuration:
served by tftpd-hpa
root@server:/#cat /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
service tftp { socket_type = dgram protocol = udp wait = yes user = root server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = -c -s /srv/work/tftp -vvvvv disable = no }
So, my tftp root is in /srv/work/tftp! This will be the root path for the pxe options.
served by dhcp3-server
root@server2:#cat /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
class "pxeclients" { match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient"; filename "pxelinux.0"; next-server server; #in fact here I have the IP address of the TFTP server }
served by nfs-kernel-server
root@server:#cat /etc/exports
/etch *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) /lenny *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
which are in fact links to the debootstraped directories
root@server:/#ls -lh lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 2008-08-21 13:15 etch -> /srv/work/tftp/distro/etch/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 2008-08-21 13:15 lenny -> /srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny/
Configuring/Tunning the debootstraped distribution
I suppose in this section that you are chrooted in your debootstraped distribution. exemple:
root@server:/#chroot /srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny
Package verification/installation
First check that all tools you need are present.
In this example, I show the missing nfs support for the mount command, then the installation of the respective package and finally a successfully test:
root@server:/#mount -t nfs /tmp mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on, missing codepage or helper program, or other error (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program) In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so root@server:/#aptitude install nfs-common portmap root@server:/#mount -t nfs /tmp
As explained in /usr/share/doc/nfsbooted/README.gz from the nfsbooted package.
root@server:/#mkdir /.nfsroot
root@server:/etc# cat fstab # UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM / /.nfsroot none bind,ro 0 0 proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 # copied from /etc/nfsbooted/fstab /dev/ram /tmp ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram1 /var/run ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram2 /var/state ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram3 /var/lock ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram4 /var/account ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram5 /var/log ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram6 /var/lib/gdm ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0 /dev/ram7 /var/tmp ramfs defaults,rw,auto,dev 0 0
WITH initrd
(see Documentation/initrd.txt)
First create a new hook script in the right directory and add the execution right on it:
root@server:/#cd /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks root@server:/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks#touch nfs root@server:/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks#chmod +x nfs
Then fill the content of this newly created file with:
#!/bin/sh -e PREREQS="" prereqs() { echo "$PREREQS"; } case "$1" in prereqs) prereqs exit 0 ;; esac . /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions # Begin real processing below this line copy_exec /sbin/mount.nfs copy_exec /sbin/mount.nfs4
Modify the command at line 48 (in the do_nfsmount() function) in the nfs script located in the /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/ directory from
nfsmount -o nolock ${roflag} ${NFSOPTS} ${NFSROOT} ${rootmnt}
/sbin/mount.nfs ${NFSROOT} ${rootmnt} -o nolock ${roflag} ${NFSOPTS}
and finally rebuild your initrd.
WHITOUT initrd
(see Documentation/nfsroot.txt at least in 2.6.20! It has disappeared in 2.6.26!)
label linux-debian-etch-2.6.20 kernel /distro/etch/boot/vmlinuz append rw console=ttyS0,115200n81 console=tty0 root=/dev/nfs ip=::::diskless:eth0:dhcp nfsroot= panic=100 vga=791 quiet label linux-debian-lenny-2.6.26 kernel /distro/lenny/boot/vmlinuz append rw console=ttyS0,115200n81 console=tty0 root=/dev/nfs ip=::::diskless:eth0:dhcp nfsroot= panic=100 vga=791 quiet
aptitude install gnome-desktop
if the system hang while starting up the network-manager or the network-manager-dispatcher, edit the respective files in /etc add at the top of file an exit 0 instruction. Then restart your machine and do a
dpkg -a --configure
etch - businesscard:
etch - netinstall:
root@server:/#cd /srv/work/tftp/linux/debian/etch root@server:/#mount -o loop -t iso9660 debian-40r4a-i386-businesscard.iso businesscard/
Q: mountd[11516]: refused mount request from gateway.iro for /srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny (/srv/work/tftp/distro/lenny): illegal port 12817
A: add in the /etc/exports the option insecure in the corresponding exporting line
- This howto was mainly based on work! Many thanks to Bart Trojanowski!