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Kill Processus
This is a small batch script used to kill processus on running windows XP SP2 based on an image which can/will not be modified and therefore can not be also configured. So it was necessary to find a quick way to kill processus each time I boot up this computer!
Configuration guidelines
REM Necessary * spoolsv * svchost * explorer * winlogon * lsass * csrss * smss * services REM Want to keep client32 # Necessary for NetSupport Schoool Pro USBDLM #USB key letter assignement soffice REM To be killed CClaw Njeeves Nvcoas alg Zlh Nvcsched vmware-authd vmnetdhcp Zanda eLogsvc vmount2 USBDLM runplugin wmiprvse SHDSERV ShieldClnt Nsesvc GoogleToolbarNotifier ctfmon shieldtray hqtray hkcmd igfxtray vmnat
Kill Processus Batch Script
@ECHO OFF REM ** This script is made to kill all unnecessary task running on CFPs computers REM ** It works at least on WINXPSP2 REM ** AUthor: Sylvain Bolay REM ** CREATION DATE: September 8, 2008 REM ** E-MAIL: sylvain.bolay@irovision.ch / http://www.bolay.net REM **TESTING** REM set task=iexplore mspaint REM FOR %%f IN (%task%) DO echo %%f.exe REM **RAW LIST** REM set task= reader_sl wuauclt ctfmon CClaw Njeeves Nvcoas alg Zlh Nvcsched vmware-authd vmnetdhcp Zanda eLogsvc vmount2 USBDLM runplugin wmiprvse SHDSERV ShieldClnt client32 Nsesvc GoogleToolbarNotifier ctfmon shieldtray hqtray hkcmd igfxtray vmnat REM **WORKING** set task=reader_sl wuauclt ctfmon CClaw Njeeves Nvcoas alg Zlh Nvcsched vmware-authd vmnetdhcp Zanda eLogsvc vmount2 runplugin wmiprvse SHDSERV ShieldClnt Nsesvc GoogleToolbarNotifier ctfmon shieldtray hqtray hkcmd igfxtray vmnat REM FOR %%P IN (%task%) DO TASKKILL /F /IM %%P /FI "STATUS eq RUNNING" FOR %%P IN (%task%) DO TASKKILL /F /IM %%P.exe EXIT
In fact I had no enough time to do it in reverse mode, meaning instead of giving the list of processus to be killed, I should better give the list of processus to be kept.
operating_systems/microsoft/kill_proc.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/15 07:10 by sbolay