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The following line shows how to address and communicate with a NiX1 slave over a RS485 line.

 |||- option
 ||-- argument
 |--- command
 ---- address


Label Command
delete D
new N
query Q



Label Arguments Options Comments
format a
delete key k
delete right r
restart s
delete unit u
delete user x


Label Arguments Options Comments
new address a <address> 1-65535 - cannot be broadcasted
new bad access timeout b <timeout> 1-255
new valid access timeout c <timeout> 1-255
new key k <key>
new lock l <device>\t<lock> device (1-2) locked (1) or not (0)
new mode m <device>\t<mode> slave (0) or device (1-9) active (0) or not (0)
new rights r <user>\t<unit>\t<right>
new status & log rotation s -
new timestamp t <timestamp> only if RTC defined (used to synchronize clock)
new unit u <>\t<>
new overdrive speed v <device>\t<overdrive> put 1-wire devices in overdrive speed
new wire w -
new user x <uid>
new baudrate z <baudrate>


Label Arguments Options Comments
query general status a
query bad access timeout b
query valid access timeout c
query entry e
query family f 1-wire family
query secret key k
query lock l
query mode m slave/device active or not
query rights r
query status s  
query timestamp t only if RTC is defined
query unit u
query overdrive speed v
query wire w
query user x

Configuration Files

The configuration files are flat text file where each fields are separated by a tabulation.


Contains the list of the key used to hash the credentials on the iButton key. You can generate a new key every day and add it to this file, the most recent key comming first.

Field Name Description Example
timestamp The timestamp of the time when the key has been generated 1350028169
key The value of the secret key [Z}4V;qr$(/Kc_aiF7#K8tATNC
1350028169      [Z}4V;qr$(/Kc_aiF7#K8tATNC
1349094539      IdRPKslg\?/
1349085044      9YxUJ`wa#\U;M18=L,>_bo8wIbn"IoY
1349085044      cl8b]It3f,F-b
1349085044      ad15lMR{*]P_<koY&=@;cNgr


Provides a link beetween the unit id and a human readable label.

Field Name Description Example
id The unique identifier of the unit, as used in slaves.conf 2
label A human description of the unit Main Office
1       Reception
2       Main Office
3       CEO's Office


Field Name Description Example
id The unique identifier the the user, as used in cron.txt Arthur Dent
timestamp The timestamp of the last key read for the user 1350028169
increment A value which can be incremented when an iButton key is lost 3
Arthur Dent             1350028169      3
Ford Prefect            1349085044      2
Zaphod Beeblebrox       1349085044      5


Field Name Description Example
unit_id The number identifying the target unit of this rule 1
user_id The identifier of the user on which this rule applies Arthur Dent
cron The cron value of the accessible periods for this rule 0 8-17 * * *
1       Arthur Dent     0 8-17 * * *
2       Arthur Dent     0 8-17 * * *
1       Ford Prefect    * * * * *
operating_systems/linux/debian/acdsn-ac-fx.1353334810.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/19 14:20 by tret