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Create a clean raspbian image

Clean your sd card

Before writing the raspbian image into your sd card, clean your storage device by turning all its bits into 0.

  # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdisk<sd card number> bs=4m

Write raspbian image into sd card

  # dd if=/Users/<username>/Downloads/2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/rdisk<sd card number> bs=4m

Serial connection and disable first boot autosize

Do the following 3 steps BEFORE BOOTING FOR THE FIRST TIME your raspberry pi

Backup cmdline.txt and config.txt

Before modifying cmdline.txt and config.txt, BACKUP THEM!

  $ cp -p cmdline.txt cmdline.txt.original
  $ cp -p config.txt config.txt.original

Modify cmdline.txt

Once you have finished, change the output console device and remove the script that autoexpands / partition size at first startup.

  $ vi cmdline.txt
  console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 -> console=ttyAMA0,115200
  delete init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/

Modify config.txt

Don't forget to enable this option, otherwise you won't be able to communicate to your raspberry pi throught raspberry debug port (TTL-232R-RPi).

  $ vi config.txt
  add this : enable_uart=1
  /dev/root       1.6G  978M  538M  65% /
  devtmpfs        460M     0  460M   0% /dev
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /dev/shm
  tmpfs           464M   12M  452M   3% /run
  tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
  /dev/mmcblk0p1   43M   22M   21M  51% /boot
  tmpfs            93M     0   93M   0% /run/user/1000

Resize / manualy and create /media/data partition

Now, resize the / partition and create a new one.

  # fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Your partition table should look like this :

  Device         Boot Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
  /dev/mmcblk0p1       8192   96042   87851 42.9M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
  /dev/mmcblk0p2      98304 3522559 3424256  1.6G 83 Linux

Delete the / partition, and create a new one (primary) which starts at THE SAME POSITION as the one you have just deleted, in my case 98304.

In the fstab, replace PARTUUID by /dev/mmcblk0p<partition number>. Reboot your raspberry pi and then tell your system you have resized a partition by typing :

  # resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p<partition number>

After creating the partition that will be mounted at /media/data, reboot your raspberry pi. Then, turn it into an ext4 partition, and add it to fstab.

  # mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p3
  # mkdir -p /media/data
  # vi /etc/fstab
  /dev/mmcblk0p3        /media/data     ext4    defaults             0       0
Make sure you have CREATED /media/data folder BEFORE MOUNTING it because your raspberry pi WON'T BOOT after that : Cannot open access to console. The root account is locked see sulogin(8) man page for more details.

Now, it's time to test what you have done.

  # mount -a
  $ df -h
  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/root       7.9G  1.1G  6.5G  14% /
  devtmpfs        460M     0  460M   0% /dev
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /dev/shm
  tmpfs           464M   12M  452M   3% /run
  tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /var/spool
  tmpfs           464M  148K  464M   1% /var/log
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /var/tmp
  tmpfs           464M     0  464M   0% /tmp
  /dev/mmcblk0p1   43M   22M   21M  51% /boot
  tmpfs            93M     0   93M   0% /run/user/1000
  /dev/mmcblk0p3  6.7G   31M  6.3G   1% /media/data

Update raspbian packages and install needed packages

  # apt update
  # apt upgrade
  # apt install --no-install-recommends tree lsof nmap git

Enable ssh

  touch /boot/ssh
  # systemctl enable ssh
  # systemctl start ssh

Reference :

Mount partitions

  # vi /etc/fstab
  tmpfs		/tmp		tmpfs	defaults	  0	  0
  tmpfs		/run		tmpfs	defaults	  0	  0
  tmpfs		/var/spool	tmpfs	defaults	  0	  0
  tmpfs		/var/log	tmpfs	defaults	  0	  0
  # reboot
REBOOT your raspberry pi AFTER adding each line to FSTAB

Systemd-hostnamed doest not start

  # vi /etc/fstab
  tmpfs		/var/tmp	tmpfs   defaults	  0	  0

Check if there are any errors

Fix rsyslog /var/spool/rsyslog directory missing

By unit file

  # vi /etc/systemd/system/generateRsyslogStructure.service
  Description=Generate Rsyslog structure
  ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/
  $ vi /home/pi/
  if [ -r /etc/rsyslog.conf ]; then
      WorkDirectory=$(grep "WorkDirectory" /etc/rsyslog.conf | cut -d\  -f2)
      echo "Cannot read /etc/rsyslog.conf" >> /tmp/rsyslogService.txt
      exit 1
  if [ ! -d "$WorkDirectory" ]; then
      mkdir $WorkDirectory
  exit 0
  sudo chmod 664 generateRsyslogStructure.service
  chmod a+x
  # systemctl enable generateRsyslogStructure.service

By tmpfiles.d config files

  # vi /etc/tmpfiles.d/genRsyslogStruc.conf
  d /var/spool/rsyslog 0755 root root


Disable swap

  # systemctl stop dphys-swapfile.service
  # systemctl disable dphys-swapfile.service
  # reboot

Mount system in read-only mode

  # vi /etc/fstab
  /dev/mmcblk0p2  /               ext4    defaults,noatime,ro  0       1
  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot           vfat    defaults,ro          0       2
REBOOT your raspberry pi AFTER adding each line to FSTAB

Systemd manual:

Disable bash history

Since /etc/profile is only read by interactive shells (login) and we connect to raspberry pi using acdsn acount, when loging into root acount using su command, the system won't read that file. We could directly modify /etc/bash.bashrc but it could be erased by an update.


  # vi /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/<port number>/etc/profile.d/
  #! /bin/bash
  history -c
  set +o history
  export HISTSIZE=0
  unset HISTFILE
  # chmod a+x /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/<port number>/etc/profile.d/
  # ln -s /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/<port number>/etc/profile.d/ ./etc/profile.d/


  # mv /etc/bash.bashrc /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/<port number>/etc/
  # mv /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/<port number>/etc/.bashrc /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/<port number>/etc/bashrc.root
  # ln -s /home/acdsn/git/fw-rules/3780/bashrc.root .bashrc

Import into .bashrc

  if [ -r /etc/profile.d/  ]; then
      . /etc/profile.d/


Disable apt-daily.service and apt-daily-upgrade.service

If you reboot your raspberry pi, you might see that apt-daily-upgrade.service failed to start. This happens because your system is in read-only mode. To solve this, disable it and it's timer.

  root@3780:/home/acdsn# systemctl list-timers
  NEXT                          LEFT     LAST                          PASSED       UNIT                         ACTIVATES
  Mon 2019-05-06 20:48:57 CEST  6h left  Mon 2019-05-06 08:38:50 CEST  6h ago       apt-daily.timer              apt-daily.service
  Tue 2019-05-07 06:39:25 CEST  15h left Mon 2019-05-06 14:27:48 CEST  19min ago    apt-daily-upgrade.timer      apt-daily-upgrade.service
  Tue 2019-05-07 14:43:08 CEST  23h left Mon 2019-05-06 14:43:08 CEST  3min 45s ago systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service

Now that you have the timer and ther unit name, stop and disable them.

  # systemctl stop apt-daily.timer
  # systemctl stop apt-daily.service
  # systemctl disable apt-daily.timer
  # systemctl disable apt-daily.service
  # systemctl stop apt-daily-upgrade.timer
  # systemctl stop apt-daily-upgrade.service
  # systemctl disable apt-daily-upgrade.timer
  # systemctl disable apt-daily-upgrade.service    


This service doesn't start on boot. Move /var/lib/sudo/ts to /media/data/var/lib/sudo/ts by creating a symlink.

  # mkdir -p /media/data/var/lib/sudo/ts
  # rm -r /var/lib/sudo/ts
  # ln -s /media/data/var/lib/sudo/ts /var/lib/sudo/ts
operating_systems/raspbian/clean_installation.1557819622.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/05/14 07:40 by maferreira