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Text Formating


Header1 Header2 Header 3
Bold Text  Italic Text Underlined Text
  1. List1
  2. List2
  3. List3
  • List


The Playground is a fantastic object for testing your syntaxe. It's so beautiful .

You can easily use subscript and superscript, you can delete something too.

If you want to break a line, you just need to use "\\" at the end
of the line, or if you want to break it in the middle of a line,
you juste need to add a space after the double backslashes.


This is a link who goes to google,
but this link Hey, I'm the link and I go to google too.

If you want you can link an address mail, like this one:


You can link a other page link this: pagename.


DokuWiki supports Interwiki links abd link to Wikipedia's page Wiki too.


You can add footnotes 1) by using a double "(" at the start of your footnotes and a double ")" at the end, note that the number is generated automatically.


You can create two types of liste, the first one is:

  • Like
    • This
  • One
  1. Or
    1. Like
      1. This
    2. One
  2. Do you see the difference ?

Care you need to use a double space before the * or the -.


You can use an image to link to another internal or external page by combining the syntax for links and images, for exemple:

You can decide the size of the image and the position:

To the right To the center with 50width To the left with 200x50


Symbole Conversions
8-) 8-)
:?: :?:
(r) ®
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3
Heading this cell spans vertically Row 1 Col 3
Row 2 Col 1
Row 3 Col 1 Row 2 Col 3


I think we should do it

No we shouldn't
Well, I say we should
Then lets do it!


#---------------------- Dubosson Robin – KRIOS Suisse SA----------------
#--- Creation du fichier snmpd.conf / configuration du fichier snmp ----

# Creation des relations entre les communautes et des noms de securite

# nom.secu  Source  Community

com2sec Local  localhost  statusmgmt

com2sec LocalNet  statusmgmt

# Creation des relations entre les noms de groupes et les noms de securite
# nom.groupe  version  nom.secu
group  RWGroup  v1  Local
group  ROGroup  v1  LocalNet
# Creation des diverses vues qui seront autorisées aux groupes
view tout included .1
# indique les acces aux vues suivant leurs groupes

# nom.groupe  contexte  modele.secu  niveau.secu  prefixe  lec  ecr  notif
access  ROGroup "" v1  noauth  exact  tout  none  none

access  RWGroup "" v1  noauth  exact  tout  tout  none
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here we go, you can click on the little number if you want to return to your previous place
playground/playground.1486546737.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/08 09:38 by kroduit